Dualcom-S Remote
Management with

Environmental Monitoring!

Stay in touch with equipment conveniently, 24 hours a day, 7 a week

Remote Device Management

A robust solution for remote power
monitoring and control.

Efficient System Management

Save energy by scheduling
shutdown periods

Power Control and Management

Scheduled or manual on/off control
of each outlet


Cyber Breaker® The Virtual Circuit Breaker™

Our individual current monitoring technology provides supplemental circuit breaker protection on an individual outlet basis. This patented capability, called the Cyber Breaker®, trips an individual outlet when the amperage exceeds a user-defined threshold. Just as a regular circuit breaker uses a mechanical mechanism – either thermal or magnetic – to trip on an overload, the Cyber Breaker® functions as a virtual circuit breaker using a software algorithm coded into control electronics to shut down an overloaded outlet.

Remotely manage
your power

The Dualcom S enables scheduled or manual on/off control of each outlet securely from anywhere in the world, 24/7. It also provides monitoring of the load on each outlet. When combined with our Enterprise Management Dashboard (EMD), load overages can trigger alerts to facility managers of the load increase, enabling a prompt identification and resolution to the problem. With the Cyber Breaker ® Technology, overcurrent conditions can be limited to a single outlet

The Virtual Circuit

Simply set the current limit and time delay and Cyber Breaker® protects against losing the whole rack. Only the outlet whose current goes over the pre-set limit will “trip”, protecting your IT investment. The Cyber Breaker® can also send alerts, when a threshold has been surpassed and the circuit has been “tripped”. Additionally, using Cyber PDUs with the Cyber Breaker® allows you to protect your existing equipment by setting unused outlets to trip when a minimum current is drawn. As a result, outages can be prevented if someone accidentally plugged in a device which would otherwise trip the whole branch circuit.

Some more features which
make Dualcom-S special

Cyber Switching invented Smart PDU product category in 2001. It’s being used by most of the well-known corporations


Cyber Switching's PDUs are highly reliable

UL Listed

All of the Dualcom-S PDU lines are UL listed


We're building Dualcom PDUs since 2001


We invented Smart PDU product category


All our customers enjoy
using CyberSwitching Dualcom-S


1921 Ringwood ave

San Jose, CA

95131, USA

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